
High ground and good coverage, maps and the internet!

High ground and good coverage, maps and the internet!

Previous generations relied on other means for communication. Letters carried by horse and man were used for many centuries. The introduction of the Penny Post in the 1840s established a country-wide method of safe communication available to all. Balsham had a post office to allow mail to be sent and collected but history is uncertain where this was located at that time. Do you know?

Why we can't fit a band in our 'bandstand'!

Why we can't fit a band in our 'bandstand'!

Many children growing up nicknamed it 'the bandstand' as it looks so much like a Victorian bandstand but you would be struggling to fit in a quartet inside! Do you have any memories of hanging out at the bandstand as some of children of our authors did? Or was your haunt outside the Bell? Do come along and share with us on 27th May at our Talk, Tea and Cakes event. We're really interested in getting more information on 60s, 70s and 80s history too.